Thursday, October 30, 2014

What Buyers Should Know When Purchasing Vacant Land

When considering purchasing vacant land a buyer should do the following:
1.) Soil Evaluation : Evaluate soils suitability, grading, drainage and other soils matters.
2.) Zoning and Other Land Use Regulations: Check with Zoning to see what can be built on the land.
3.) Survey: Have property surveyed for lot size, boundaries, easements and encroachments.
4.) Water Supply Inspections: Is it public or private water? If public, how far is it to hook up to city water line? The cost is a factor.
Is well water available and the cost to put system in?
5.) Sewer and Septic Inspections: If property has sewers, how far is it to connect and the cost to connect? If Septic, what type of system is allowed? Have qualified contractor conduct Perc Test to see absorption rate of water to ensure Septic System will function properly.
6.) Availability of Utilities: What utilities are available; Electric, Gas, Cable, Telephone, etc., and the cost to connect?
7.) Environmental Survey: Have an Environmental Survey conducted to ensure there are no pollutants in the soil.
8.)Natural Hazards Disclosure Report: Certain Hazard Zones are mandated by federal, state and local laws. Buyer should consult with local zoning for any disclosures of possible hazards such as Airport, Railroads, High Tension Power Lines, etc.
9.) Homeowner’s Association Documentation: Is there a HOA: If so, buyers are encouraged to review and accept.
10.) Split Potential of Property: Buyer should consult with local government regarding the plan for the area and see if there would be any use adjacent or near property that would affect future value of subject property.
11.) Permit Records and Code Compliance: Buyer should consult with local building department to see what permits are needed when building and other factors that could affect the building process.
12.) Appraisal: Have the property appraised to ensure value.
Contingencies are important in the purchase of vacant land. Make sure you know what you are buying and talk to the professionals to ensure.

Today's New Listings!

34645 Willow Creek Pl, Willoughby  - $399,000 1331 Bennett Rd, Madison - $329,900 7165 Hawthorne Dr, Mentor - $274,900 4423 Ashwood Ave...