Monday, April 11, 2016

Can I Buy a New Home Prior to Selling My Existing Home?

Should I sell before I buy or should I buy before I sell? This is a common question from current homeowners who would like to move. Sellers are nervous to sell first and then not be able to find a new home that meets their needs. They are also nervous of finding the home of their dreams and purchasing it before they sell and then having two mortgage payments until their first home sells. Let’s explore the advantages of buying a new home prior to selling your existing home.

Time to Move
One of the advantages of buying a new home prior to selling your existing home is that you will have plenty of time to get the new home ready to move into with updates such as painting and new flooring prior to actually having to move in. This is a nice option rather than having to do the updates while.....Full Article

Today's New Listings!

34645 Willow Creek Pl, Willoughby  - $399,000 1331 Bennett Rd, Madison - $329,900 7165 Hawthorne Dr, Mentor - $274,900 4423 Ashwood Ave...