Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Importance of a Final Walk Through on a Home Purchase

There are many steps to take during the home buying process but one of the most important that is often overlooked is the Final Walk Through.

The Final Walk Through is a quick review of the property just before closing to insure everything is in order. It is not a detailed inspection of the property. It is used to determine that there are no major damages to the property since the buyer agreed to purchase the home.

Ideal Time for a Final Walk Through
The ideal time to perform a Final Walk Through of a property is after the seller has moved out of the home. This is the time to make sure everything that was agreed upon or expected to stay in the home with the sale has remained such as appliances, curtain rods, etc. Vacant properties should always have a...Read More

Today's New Listings!

34645 Willow Creek Pl, Willoughby  - $399,000 1331 Bennett Rd, Madison - $329,900 7165 Hawthorne Dr, Mentor - $274,900 4423 Ashwood Ave...