Monday, August 15, 2016

As a Realtor – Show Your Value!


All Realtors at some point in their career have been asked by a client what services they will receive that justify the commission. There are so many tasks that a Realtor performs in the sale of a property but the most important thing is to show your value to the client.

Knowledge and Experience
In addition to their initial training, Realtors participate in ongoing continuing education, real estate meetings, training sessions and conventions often. They are always perfecting their craft and gaining knowledge that they can use in the field. Realtors are also learning with every transaction. Realtors learn the markets, the cycles and the sales prices. Also since no two transactions are alike, there is often a need to research an aspect of the deal whether it is.....Read More


Today's New Listings!

34645 Willow Creek Pl, Willoughby  - $399,000 1331 Bennett Rd, Madison - $329,900 7165 Hawthorne Dr, Mentor - $274,900 4423 Ashwood Ave...