Summer may be synonymous with fun, but every homeowner should know how to protect and prep their home for all that the season entails. Each season has its own set of important maintenance tasks to ensure that your home is safe and that your investment is protected for years to come.
Prep Your Pool
From cleaning chemicals to safety locks, there is a lot more to maintaining a pool than just filling it with water every summer. Ensure that you have all of the tools required to keep your pool safe and well-maintained. In addition to your usual pool prep, consider adding vital safety features like child gates, fences and signs that can serve to deter curious neighborhood children.
Annual HVAC Inspection
No one wants to find out the hard way that their HVAC is in need of repairs. Don’t wait for the next heat wave to hit before asking a professional to inspect your HVAC. Since your air conditioner will work hard in the summer months, be sure that it is annually inspected and that any repairs are completed before it’s too uncomfortable to go without it.
Change Your Water Usage
Your summer landscaping will require a different level of watering than its fall counterparts. Be sure to adjust your water usage according to your landscaping needs and any potential municipal water conservation requirements in your area.
Pest Mitigation
Summer heat can bring critters and pests into your home to cool off. Seal off any cracks or problem areas that could encourage roommates in the form of creepy crawlies.
Plant Summer Florals
Boost your curb appeal by planting summer florals. If you’re hoping to keep your costs low while boosting your home’s ROI, consider asking your local nursery about native plants that will do well in your yard without the need for excessive watering.
Add Weather Stripping
If high heat is headed your way, there’s no better time to add or replace old weatherstripping. Keep your electric bill reasonable by ensuring that cool air doesn’t escape through the cracks and crevices of your home.